Tuesday, December 19, 2006

My First Christmas Tree

Sorry, this is just a random picture. I was looking thru my blog and realized that I don't have many pictures of my Mommy and me. So I thought that I would throw this one up for everyone to see.

A couple of weeks ago, I went with Mommy and Daddy and picked out my first Christmas Tree. Boy are there a lot to chose from. There are tall ones, short ones, prickly ones. Ones that are green, ones that are some shade of blue and ones that have long soft needles. Here are the three of us trying to figure out which one to get. One of the workers was kind enough to take a picture of this momentus occasion. Because as you all know, I am only 5 months old and still experiencing a lot of firsts. Boy was it cold. This winter was not like last winter. I was nice and toasty warm then. This winter I had to bundle up in my snow suit, but my little cheeks and nose still got cold.

We finally picked the tree that would be perfect in front of our big window.
Here I am helping Mommy and Daddy put up the Christmas Tree. Of course, they couldn't do it without me. They got a White Pine tree so the needles are really soft. They new that I would want to help, and they didn't want me to get poked by the needles.

But at last the tree was up and it was time to eat. As you can see, I didn't make it thru my supper. I was so tired after putting up the tree, that I thought I would just take a little nap. That is a lot of work for someone my age. I don't know how you grown up's do it. I have to take a couple of naps thru the day, just to make it.

Today is Mommy's last day of work for this year. Daddy takes his last final of the semester tonight and he his done with work on Friday until after the New Year, so this will be my last post of the year. I get to spend lots of time with my Mommy and Daddy of the next couple of weeks so I won't have time post anymore unil next year.

Everyone have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I will be back next year with more pictures and many other firsts. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

One of My First Rollover's

Finally the file of me rolling over is able to be put on the blog. Hopefully everyone will be able to see the video clip. I will wait for a couple of days and then check with some of the known people who still are using a dial up connection to see how long it takes to load. I may not be able to leave the clip up for very long, but you are one able to view it, please enjoy.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Watchout World, Here I Come!!!

Yesterday was my 4 month checkup at the doctor. Wow! I have been here for 4 months already.

Everyone will be happy to know that I am 15lbs 4 oz, and I am 25 inches from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. This is a big change from when I was born. I have grown 4 inches, and almost doubled my weight. The doctor said that I was healthy on right on target. I am still hovering around the 90th percentile as far as body weight and height. What ever that means. I just know that mom has a plastic bin that she is putting all the cloths in that I outgrow.

Here I am in my high chair. Dad put it together the other night. I know, I look really small in this big chair, but believe me. I am getting big. I can almost sit up all by myself. My parents will sit my on my bottom on the floor. I will sit there for a second, but then slowly start leaning to one side. I would try to lean the other way, but my little body hasn't figured out how to do that yet.

Since my high chair was together, Mom thought it would be a good idea to see if I liked "real food". I have been imitating my parents eating a little so they thought they would give it a try. Mom bought something called rice cereal. I don't know why thy call it rice cereal, because it wasn't rice and it definitely wasn't cereal. I was thinking that it was "Frosted Flakes" or "Lucky Charms", but no, it was this stuff that looked like soupy mashed potatoes.

It took me a little while to get the hang of eating off of a spoon. The cereal would go in my mouth, but then it would come right back out again. I finally got the hang of it. You are suppose to keep your mouth closed while you eat. That is why big people say to eat with your mouth closed

I finally figured out how to roll over. My first roll over was a few weeks ago. I was laying on my stomach and rolled over to my back. Then a few days later, mom seen me roll over from my back to my stomach, but I couldn't get my little arm out from under me. Now I am a pro at it. All I have to do is swing myleg over to the side and get my momentum started and just at the right moment, lift my head up over my shoulder and I will roll right onto my stomach and my little are will pop out from under me. I have a video of it, but I am not sure how to post it on the blog. My Aunt Wellie is looking into for me, so check by in a couple of weeks and you my just get to see it. For now, the picture above is the start of it. Just image that within a couple of seconds I am on my stomach and smiling like the picture below in the post "How I Spend My Time". Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 27, 2006

My first Thanksgiving...

My first Thanksgiving was wonderful!! I was able to spend lots of time with family and ... wait a minute... All I got was milk for dinner each time. I guess maybe next year I'll get to eat some of that good food that everyone made this year... I sure hope they can still cook by next year!!!

On Thanksgiving Day, I got to go to my Aunt Heather and Uncle Will's house in Grand Rapids. It's always fun going on a road trip but boy my mom and dad do a lot of trips back and forth to the car when we travel. They really pack a lot of stuff..

I also got to see my great-grandparents in Grand Rapids. Mommy and Daddy took me there in the morning and my More Grandma (that's what we call the great grandparents on my daddy's side of the family) was able to feed me and hold me alot and not have to share me with anyone.

On Saturday, my dad's side of the family all came to my house. I was very happy because I just had been strapped in that rotten car seat for 2 1/2 hours going to Grand Rapids. I do like road trips but the car seat has GOT to go!! It was nice to have everyone there at MY beck-n-call. Of course - when you have a grin like this - who can resist you???

My mom and dad picked out a special bib for me too. It's the one in this picture but my Aunt Wellie didn't get the whole bib in the picture. It says "Are these people REALLY my family??" I thought it was pretty funny...

My poppa and me... Boy do I have him wrapped around MY finger. I smile and he cracks. It's GREAT being the newest grandbaby!!!!

Oh Aunt Wellie... You always make that thing flash in my face... Why do you do that to me??

Ok - Enough is enough!!! I'm tired of smiling..

Don't even try sneaking up on me from down there and getting my picture.

Here I am with my cousins, on my left going clockwise, Taylor, Jessica, Elizabeth and Makenna. No - by this time - I was NOT happy. Does it show in my face?? I tried hard to not let it show so Aunt Wellie could get a good picture but I guess I still have some practice to do huh??

I agreed to one more picture but only if my daddy or mommy was holding me. Here is 4 generations in our family. My great-grandparents in the chair, my grandma and poppa to your left of me and my mommy and daddy and me...

Holidays are a lot of work for someone my age. Everyone wants to touch me and hold me and play with me and I want to play with them buy all the old people keep making me go to my bed and sleep. I don't know why yet - I hear them talking about being crabby if I don't so must be the adults need me to go to my bed so they're not crabby. I'm sure it's not ME that would be crabby - after all - I'm the cutest thing on earth right now!!!!

Friday, October 27, 2006

How I Spend My Time

When Mom and Dad are busy doing other things, I spend time on my activity mat. It is really fun. There are animals all over the mat, with lights and music. Then I get to grab onto the stuffed animals that are hanging over me. Sometimes I can even pull them off and stick them in my mouth.

I also spend time on my tummy. This builds up my neck muscles so I can hold my head up. When I first started doing tummy time 3 months ago, I could only smash my little face into the blanket. Now 3 months later, I can hold my head up on my own and I don't have to smash my puffy cheeks into the blanket anymore.

Unfortunately, when you are as little as I am, you taken advantage of by people who are bigger. Namely my Dad. He was changing my diaper one day and thought that it would be funny to put my pants on my head as a hat. Mom really liked it and couldn't stop laughing. As you can see, I wasn't very amused. But since I am so small, I wasn't able to do anything about it. A note to all you parents out there. Us little babies remember this stuff, and when we are giving you "gray hairs" in the future. Just remember the things you did to us, to get a laugh, when we were helpless little ones!

I just know this picture is going to show up at my high school graduation some day. Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 29, 2006

Big Changes Happening

The next couple of weeks after the wedding, there were some big changes in my life. After six weeks of being with my family, Mom had to go back to work. Fortunately, before I was born, Mom accepted a new position in a different school district. Last year, she told me that she had to work everyday of the week, now she only has to work two days a week. I get to go to the baby sitters on Monday's and Tuesday's. I miss my mom. Dad also had to go back to school. Mom said that he had to go to something called college. I don't know what that is, but when he gets home at night. The first thing that he does is kiss mom hello and grabs me. I think I have him wrapped around my little finger.

I also got to meet my great grandparents in Grand Rapids. This was the first time I have seen them since I was born. They live 2 1/2 hours away, so it is a long trip. My great grandpa was having a 90th birthday party. Boy what he has seen in his life time. I am only 2 months old, so I haven't seen very much. I can't believe what will change in this world by the time that I am that age. Those of you who visit my Aunt O'welly's blog probably read the post on him. Here is her blog if you would like to read more, www.hoodmama.blogspot.com.

Last week was a tough week. I had to go to the doctor and get my first shots. Notice that there is an "S" on the end of shot. There wasn't one shot, or two shots. I had to get four shots, two shots in each leg. I didn't like that very much, and I let everyone know about it. While I was there they took all my measurements. Here they are: I weight 12 lbs 15 oz (8lb 10 oz at birth). I was 23 1/2 inches long,the doctors office measured me at 21 1/2 inches four days after I was born, so I have grown a couple of inches. They also said that I am healthy and am in the 90th percentile on weight and length.

Catching Up

A lot of things have happened since the last entry. After the cottage trip, My Aunt Heather had a wedding shower the very next weekend. Of course, I was invited and my Moms side of the family was there. In this picture is me in the middle. My mom is holding me, my grandma is on my left ( I think that is my left), and my great grandma is on my other side. My mom called this a 4 generation picture. I don't understand what any of that means yet, but I like getting my picture taken anyway.

Here is my Aunt Mindy, Aunt Heather, and Mom at the shower. They always take pictures of the three of them when every they get together. During the day when I am at home, my mom tells me stories about growing up and how much fun it was.

The weekend after the wedding shower, what Uncle Will and Aunt Heathers wedding. Mom was standing up in the wedding and Dad was an usher, so sorry, but neither one of them was able to get any pictures. But let me tell you, it was a nice wedding and a very nice reception. At least that is what I have heard. I slept thru most of it.

Things are starting to make connections. A couple of days before the wedding, I was in my swing and I looked up and what did I see. This cute little face looking back a me. I would move my head and the little face would move. It was staring right at me. It didn't matter what I did, I could not get away from it. I looked at it for minutes, and then finally I heard mom and dad say to each other, "look, I think that she sees herself in the mirror on the swing". Then I realized who that cute little face with the chubby cheeks belongs to. IT WAS ME!!!!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Cottage Weekend

This last weekend, I took my first trip to my Great Uncle Pat's and Great Aunt Esther's cottage in Lake City. This was the farthest from home that I have ever been.
I had to try on my cottage wear before the trip to see if it still fit, I have grown alot since I was born. Sure enough, it fit perfectly.

I know that when you go to a lake, you are suppose to wear a swimming suit, but I am only 6 weeks old and I didn't want to get cold while I was there. Next year, I am planning on getting into the water. I should be walking by then. This year I had to enjoy everything from the shore. It was still nice being out in the sun. My little jacket even came with a hood, so if I lost my hat, I could still keep warm.

On the way to the cottage we stopped by Grandma's (Gena's mom) house to see her. I thought that since we were going by it would be a perfect place to stop and eat and get my diaper changed. Unfortunately, Dad did not get my diaper tight enough while we were there and we had a little accident. They ended up having to change my cloths, and wash out this cute little pink outfit. Grandma is so much fun, she makes me smile.

This is my Great Aunt Esther. Her and Uncle Pat waited on us hand and foot. Uncle Pat took the other girls for rides on the jet ski's, motorcycle, and boat. Uncle Pat served them brownies and ice cream in bed while they were watching a movie, and just my luck, I can only drink milk. Boy being little sure does have its disadvantages, but everyone loves to hold a baby and I get fed instead of having to feed myself. So being little also has its advantages. Posted by Picasa

Cottage Weekend (Continued)

This trip was extra special for me. I finally got to meet my Uncle Chris and Aunt Sarah. They came up with Grandpa and Grandma to help celebrate Makenna's birthday. They arrived just before in the late morning and just in time for my favorite activity. LUNCH! Now you have to understand, that at the cottage, we get waited on hand and foot by Uncle Pat, and there are no rules to follow. We get up when we want, and go to bed when we want. Well at least everyone but me got to do that. We can also stay in our pa..., pa..., pajamas all day long.

Grandma and Grandpa (Steve's parents) came with my Uncle Chris and Aunt Sarah for Makenna's birthday. Please don't notice that it is the afternoon and I am still in my pa..., pa..., pajamas. Like I said, we are at the cottage, and when you are at the cottage, you can do what you want. Even stay in your pa..., pa..., pajamas all day long.

Here are the grandchildren minus one. I have not met Elizabeth yet, but let me introduce you the my cousins. Makenna is the one holding me. She turned 8 years old while we were at the cottage. Taylor is the one in the upper left and Jessica is the one on the right. I met them at he hospital when I was just one day old. There are no boy grandkids yet, just girls. Boys would just mess thing up. GIRL POWER!!!!

If you would like to see more pictures of the cottage weekend, please visit my Aunt O'welly's website at http://www.hoodmama.blogspot.com

On the way home from the cottage, we stopped and had supper with my mom and dad's friends that they do not get to see very often. Their name is Rickie and Angie. In the picture above is two of their three children. Paige is on the left and Austin is the one holding me. Austin was a little leary of holding me, because he didn't want me to spit up on him. So I was nice and held it in. Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 18, 2006

My Family Picture

Here is my Mom, Dad, and me at our first family picture. These pictures were taken just before my two week birthday, by a friend who is a photographer. We took lots of pictures that day, so I picked out a few of the best ones to share with everyone.

Here I am in my Dad's hands. He holds me like this all the time and talks to me. It is our favoite position. It won't be long and I will not fit anymore, so we will just have to find a different position. I figured out, in the mornings, that all I have to do is stare at him and he will do whatever I want, even go in late to work because he doesn't want to put me down.

This is my Mom. She sings and dances with me all the time. Sometimes I cry just so she will pick me up and sing. For 8 months while I was in the womb, she taught 1st-4th grade elementary music, so I got use to hearing her sing, along with all her 1100 kids that she taught. My parents are starting to figure out that when I am fussing, a little music will calm me down. Boy parents are hard to train!

And finally here I am all by myself, sitting on a nice, soft pillow. They tried to get me to sleep to get one of those cute pictures of me in a basket or flower pot, but I didn't want anthing to do with that. I was afaid of missing something. I am learning here, I need to absorb as much as I can.
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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Random Pictures

Here are some random pictures.

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Weekend of Family

Here I am with my Great Grandma (Gena's Grandma) her and grandma (Gena's mom) came to visit on Thursday and helped Mom move back into our house. A friend let us live in their house all week to escape the heat. It was in the 90's-100's all week until Thursday.

Papa and Grandma (Steve's parents) also came down on Friday night and all day Saturday. Papa helped Dad put in the air conditioning so we won't have to move out of our house again when the temperatures reaches in the 90's.

Aunt Mindy came down on Sunday afternoon and stayed until Monday afternoon. Here I am all snuggly in her arms. Boy family is nice. Posted by Picasa