My first Thanksgiving was wonderful!! I was able to spend lots of time with family and ... wait a minute... All I got was milk for dinner each time. I guess maybe next year I'll get to eat some of that good food that everyone made this year... I sure hope they can still cook by next year!!!
On Thanksgiving Day, I got to go to my Aunt Heather and Uncle Will's house in Grand Rapids. It's always fun going on a road trip but boy my mom and dad do a lot of trips back and forth to the car when we travel. They really pack a lot of stuff..
I also got to see my great-grandparents in Grand Rapids. Mommy and Daddy took me there in the morning and my More Grandma (that's what we call the great grandparents on my daddy's side of the family) was able to feed me and hold me alot and not have to share me with anyone.
On Saturday, my dad's side of the family all came to my house. I was very happy because I just had been strapped in that rotten car seat for 2 1/2 hours going to Grand Rapids. I do like road trips but the car seat has GOT to go!! It was nice to have everyone there at MY beck-n-call. Of course - when you have a grin like this - who can resist you???
My mom and dad picked out a special bib for me too. It's the one in this picture but my Aunt Wellie didn't get the whole bib in the picture. It says "Are these people REALLY my family??" I thought it was pretty funny...
My poppa and me... Boy do I have him wrapped around MY finger. I smile and he cracks. It's GREAT being the newest grandbaby!!!!
Oh Aunt Wellie... You always make that thing flash in my face... Why do you do that to me??
Ok - Enough is enough!!! I'm tired of smiling..
Don't even try sneaking up on me from down there and getting my picture.
Here I am with my cousins, on my left going clockwise, Taylor, Jessica, Elizabeth and Makenna. No - by this time - I was NOT happy. Does it show in my face?? I tried hard to not let it show so Aunt Wellie could get a good picture but I guess I still have some practice to do huh??
I agreed to one more picture but only if my daddy or mommy was holding me. Here is 4 generations in our family. My great-grandparents in the chair, my grandma and poppa to your left of me and my mommy and daddy and me...
Holidays are a lot of work for someone my age. Everyone wants to touch me and hold me and play with me and I want to play with them buy all the old people keep making me go to my bed and sleep. I don't know why yet - I hear them talking about being crabby if I don't so must be the adults need me to go to my bed so they're not crabby. I'm sure it's not ME that would be crabby - after all - I'm the cutest thing on earth right now!!!!