Friday, July 28, 2006

The world according to ME!!!

I thought you might be ready for a few more pictures. If you're connected to my auntie's blog at all - you've already seen these - but just in case you're new to the blog world, I'm putting them on here too so you can see how smart I am!!!

Enjoy the pictures and feel free to leave a comment. My daddy will get it at work and tell me what you say!!

Here I am with my daddy and mommy only a few hours old. Life is pretty good. They just let me sleep as long as I want to.

Now is THIS the life or what???? I'm nice and clean, all wrapped up in my duckie towel... aahhhh, life is good.

Here I am wide awake at just a few days old. Yes - I know - a genius at hand.... I figure - I better start learning stuff now right?? Can't do that when I'm sleeping so I have to be awake to watch what everyone does so I can imitate it!!

I thought I would give my mommy and daddy a break and sleep a little. As long as one of them holds me, I'll sleep.. but hey!! Wait!!! What's this?? My dad is sleeping too?? Am I keeping them up at night??

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Hello World!!

My name is Maya Katherine.

I was due on July 9, 2006 but wasn't ready to face this big world yet. They tried and tried. They induced my mommy for 2 days and I STILL wasn't about to go anywhere. Finally - on day 4 (they let my mom rest on Sunday), they broke her water and whalah. Here I am!!

I was born on July 17, 2006 at 10:09 p.m. (my mommy and daddy's 7th anniversary! Guess they won't be taking any trips for their anniversary!! They'll have to be home to celebrate MY birthday!! :) )

I weighed in at 8 lbs. 10 oz. I was a tall 23 inches long.

My mommy and daddy (and probably my auntie) will be posting pictures and fun things about me while I grow for all of you to keep up with me. I live far away (it's only 2 - 2 1/2 hours but to a 10 day old - that's a long ways!!) from my grandma's and grandpa and my aunts and uncles and cousins (SWEET!! I have older cousins!! They can teach me all the fun stuff to do!!) so they thought this might be a fun way to keep everyone updated on my progress.

Keep watch for further updates to come!!