Saturday, June 28, 2008

My first Month

Last weekend, I got to take my first trip. We went up north for an open house. After the open house was done, we went to PaPa and Grandma's house (Steve's parents). That evening, we went to Uncle Chris and Aunt Sarah's to see all the animals that they have. We got to see chickens, lambs, and two peacocks. This was the longest that I have been away from home.Luckily I slept all the way up there and slept all the way home.

I have just started to smile on my own. Everyone once in a while, I look at Mommy and Daddy and give them a little smile. You should hear them. They make a big deal about it and try to get me to smile again. Sometimes I give them another one, but most of the time I just look at them.

Here is me and my big sister. We were both dressed in our white onesies so Mommy thought it would be a good picture opportunity. I had a little trouble looking a the camera, Maya tried to help me out, but it is just hard when you are my age. She has been really good. So far she hasn't hit me very hard. Only a few accidental taps. She is really neat. She gives me hugs and kisses.

I am spending more time awake. Some times I will be awake from one feeding the the next. It is hard for Mommy to get things done, so she likes to front pack me. That way she can get some work done around the house.
My eyes are a dark blue color. I am not sure if they will change or not. My hair is usually a little Spikey since it doesn't want to lay down much, especially just after I take bath.

Monday, June 09, 2008


May I apologize for the mistake that I had made in the previous blog. The password to get the pictures is:

Sorry for the inconvenience, but give me a break, I am only a week old.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Hello Everyone, I am finally here!

Hello everyone, my name is Evan. Maya is my big sister. She told me that I have to start posting on this website so everyone can see me and track how I am growing. Friday was my first doctors visit. I have gained enough weight to get back to my birth weight. Everything checked out to be OK with the doctor.

I really don't do much at this point but eat and sleep. I am not very fussy, except when I am hungry or have a burp in my tummy.

This is my big sister Maya. Everyone has been following her for the last couple of years so she doesn't need any introduction. I did hear Mommy and Daddy say that she seemed to have grown up in the last week. I don't really know what that means.

I bought her this slide when I was born. She goes down the slide really fast.

Aunt Sheri (family friend) was at the hospital the afternoon that I was born. She is a photographer and took lots of pictures. Here is the website so you can view them.

Username: evan

Password: 21295

Use my name as the "Username", (evan). Then use 21295 as the password and all the pictures will show up. I may take a little bit to load since there are a gozillion of them. You can watch the webshow or just look at the individual pictures by clicking on the menu to the left. I recommend the webshow with the music. It is much better.

Well, I have to go back to sleep, so I will talk to everyone later.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

It's a Boy!!!!!!!!

Finally after 9 long months of waiting, I would like to introduce to all of you my little Brother, Evan Thomas Gable. He was born on June 2, 2008 and weighed 10 lbs 1 oz and was 21 inches long. He was a big boy. No wonder why Mommy couldn't hold me on her lap. She always sat me on top of her belly and I would sort of ride there when she was carrying me. He is doing very well. He cries a little bit, but it doesn't bother me.

This blog is going to start changing, if you haven't already noticed. It now needs to be a gender neutral site, since Evan will be posting on it also. He will get some pictures posted this weekend, when everything calms down and gets back to normal. Here are a few more that have been taken.

This is our first family picture with Evan. I stayed at Mrs. Cindy's house on Sunday night and Monday night. Daddy came to pick me up on Monday evening so I could see Mommy and Evan. It was such a big surprise. I crawled up in bed with Mommy and gave her and Evan a big hug.

Here is Evan in the cradle that Papa made. This cradle has gotten a lot of use. Uncle Chris used it for his girls and then Mommy and Daddy used it for me and now Evan gets to sleep in it for a while.