Thursday, August 28, 2008

My doctors visit

Ok, someone could have warned me about this. It isn't fare. I had to to have two shots today at the doctor. Oh sure, they butter you by taking your weight, which by the way is 13 lbs 12 oz, and your height, 26 in.

They check you all over, talking to you in that sweet, high pitch voice, which makes me smile and then....


it hit me in one leg. I let out a yell and...


it hit me in the other leg. I thought "what is going on, we were having so much fun". Did you not like the way I was smiling at you? I thought we made a connection?

I didn't know what going to happen next.

I got my Pokies

Today, I had to go to the doctor for my 2 year check up and get some of my pokies. I don't like getting pokes (immunizations), they hurt. The doctor gave it to me in my leg. I only had to have one poky, my poor little brother had to have 2 pokes, one in each leg.

They also weighed me while we were there. I weigh 30 lbs and 8 oz. I am 38" tall which the doctor said was off the charts for my age.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

A few more vacation pictures

This was actually a bug. It hung out on our screen tent for most of a day. I was really cool because it looked like a branch. Daddy had to look twice at it because the first time he didn't think it was alive. Its head is over on the left.

Here is Evan in his car seat. We were packed in the van pretty good. If there was any available space, we put something in it.

This is my big sister and my Uncle Tracey (family friends). She was sitting on his lap eating popcorn one night.

Here are our tents. The campsite was a little unlevel, but we dealt with it. It wasn't to bad
although we did tend to slide a little bit in our sleeping bags.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Summer Vacation 2008 (Evan's Perspective)

This was my first summer vacation, and my first time sleeping in the tent. It was really cool. We got to spend all day outside for a whole week. We had campfires, and roasted marshmallows, and made our food over an open fire. Although, I slept thru most of it and I am on a pretty strict diet. We also got to go for a hike in the woods at the campground. It was so neat. I stayed awake for most of that. Mommy front packed me for a while and Daddy backpacked my big sister Maya. We got to see trees, and leaves, and bugs, and toads, and ferns and all sorts of stuff.

Sleeping in a tent was a lot of fun. At night, it was really dark and a little chilly. Mommy and Daddy would bundle me so I wouldn't get cold, although my little nose got cold by morning.

The weather was beautiful all week long. We spent a couple of days at the beach next to the water. I had to stay in the shade, out of the wind and in my car seat. That way I didn't get sand in all my places that you don't want sand. Mommy and Daddy both took turns playing with me to keep me occupied.

This was the sunset across Saginaw Bay. We camped at the tip of the thumb at Port Crescent State Park. It was a nice little park with a big beach and we only had to walk for about 3 minutes to get to the water.

What a week. It is very exhausting getting carried around. Daddy snapped this picture of me one evening before supper. Mommy and Daddy have a canopy tent with screen sides that we put over the picnic table. It kept the bugs out while we ate, and made perfect place for me to take a nap.

Summer Vacation 2008 (Maya's Perspective)

This summer we traveled to the tip of the thumb for vacation. We stayed at a state park there that was right on the water. Our campsite wasn't directly on the water like last year, but it was only a short walk to get there. One morning, Mommy, Daddy, Evan and I loaded ourselves in the van and traveled down the road from the campground to the day use area and did some hiking. I found a log that had ants living in it. It was neat. They were red and they were crawling in and out of these little holes that they had made in the log.

Daddy backpacked me at first and Mommy was front packing Evan, my little brother. Then about half way thru, they switched and I got to ride on Mommy's back. Along the trail, there were places that you could see the water from on top of a sand dune. Here the trail went down the dune and back up the other side. Daddy decided to snap a quick picture while we were out in the sun.

On this day, at the beach, it was a little breezy. The wind was blowing toward the shore, which I learned was called an "On Shore Breeze". It was a little chilly so I just played in the warm sand. We built sand castles and dug holes, and then I would knock down the sand castles and have Daddy build them all over again. The sand felt funny between my toes.

Mommy and Daddy took my bike that Grandma Lisa (Gena's family friend) got me for my birthday last year. We did many laps back and forth past the camp site. When cars or truck would come, we would take my bike off the road and wait for them to pass.

Thursday, August 07, 2008


On July 17th, I turned 2 years old. It was a Thursday this year. It was pretty low key since Mommy and Daddy were both in school. On Thursday morning, Mommy and I went to my buddy Collin's house where him and Aunt Megan had balloons for me.

Then we met Daddy for lunch. We went to the park and I got to go down the slide and swing. Swinging is my favorite thing to do. I can spend hours swinging. After lunch, Mommy and I went to see Grandma (Gena's Mom). We spent the rest of the afternoon there. That night, when Daddy got home from school Grandpa (Gena's Dad) was at our house.

He helped Daddy put up this swing in our back yard so I can swing any time that I want. I can go really high. It is a comfortable seat also. I think that Mommy and Daddy will wear themselves out pushing me before I get tired.

Then on Friday night, Mommy, Daddy, Evan celebrated my birthday with the cake in the first picture. It was a white cake with pink frosting.

On Saturday night. Aunt Megan and Collin, Uncle Jerry, Aunt Sheri, Jordan, Josh, and Uncle Tracey, Aunt Michelle, Christian, and Anthony came over for cake and ice cream. After I blew out my candles, Uncle Jerry got me to bite the edge of my cake. I think that he wanted me to smash my face in the cake, but I wouldn't do that.
On Sunday, we went up north to Papa and Grandma's (Steve's parents) where Aunt Wellie came all the way from Grand Rapids and brought Great Grandpa and Great Grandma. Uncle Chris, Aunt Sarah and all my cousins, Jessica, Taylor, Makenna, and Elizabeth were there. Of course I got to swing some more on Papa and Grandma's swing. We also had cake and ice cream again.

I got some clothes and some really cool toys to play with in the bath tub. This is my favorite picture of the weekend. It is of my Great Grandma and Great Grandpa. This also happened to be the first time that they met Evan, my little brother. He was just over 1 month old at this point. Since they live in Grand Rapids, I don't get to see them very often.

The fun wasn't over on Sunday. Monday morning, we met Uncle Will and Aunt Heather in a near by town and played all morning on the play scape at the park. The had a lot of fun things to play with, and of course, there were swings. Then on Monday night, when we sat down for supper, I fell asleep at the dinner table. I just couldn't hold my eyes open any more.

I guess looking back on the weekend, I was partying every night around my birthday. It wasn't such a low key birthday after all.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

2 Months

It has been a very busy month. Mommy and Daddy are finally done with their summer classes and now we have a jam packed August ahead of us. First of all. I turned two months old on August 2. I weight around 13 lbs. I will get my official measurements at my check up which will be Friday.

One tragic thing that happened was that my hair fell out. Just around the sides where it rubbs when I am moving my head. Daddy said not to get all upset about it because it will most likely happen when I get older anyway.

When Mommy or Daddy are not holding me, I like to lay on the floor and look out the window. Or swing in my swing at look at that handsome dude looking back at me in mirror. I also sit my bouncy seat, or lay on my lounge pillow. Yeah, I pretty much just lay around.

I am almost sleeping thru the night. Mommy feeds me around 12:00am and then just lets me sleep. Sometimes I will wake up at 4:30am because my little belly is empty and I need something to eat. Lately she has been waking me up at 6:00am to eat. So I am almost making it thru the night. It won't be long and Mommy will finally be getting a full nights rest. Which I am sure that she will enjoy.

I smile alot. Daddy can always get me to smile. Once in a while he will make funny noises or just tickle my belly a little and I get this big grin on my face. I am also starting to talk, or at least make some sort of sound. Daddy and Mommy call it "Cooing". I don't know what "Cooing" is, but Mommy and Daddy get a kick out of it.
Stay tuned. There will be alot of updates this month. My sister Maya turned 2 in July. We are going camping next week and we also went to a petting farm. There will be blogs on all of these. I just don't know for sure when it will happen.