Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

Yesterday was Mother's Day and we got Mommy this nice purple flower. I got to help pick it out. After church Daddy and I stopped at the garden place and found the prettiest flowers there. Then we hurried home to get all set up before Mommy got back from dropping off Grandma (Gena's Mom). When she walked in front door, this is what she saw. Daddy and I were sitting on the kitchen floor waiting for her. The video below is what we rehearsed.... Mommy had us do it again so she could get it on video.

Daddy and I worked hard to get it just right, but when it came out, I mixed up Mommy and Happy.

Last night was also the first night that I got to sleep in my big girls bed. It was a little scary so Mommy and Daddy stayed in my room until I fell asleep. It is a big bed with a guard rail on the side so I don't fall out.

They are getting the crib ready for my baby brother, or sister. Which ever it is going to be.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Playing Outside

Since you never know what the weather is going to be in Michigan, you have to be prepared to play in the snow, the sun, or the rain. A few days ago, it rained. It didn't rain all day long, but off and on during the day. It was warm outside, so Mommy and I put on our rain coats, took off our shoes and socks and went outside and played in the rain.

There was a water puddle in our driveway that we ran thru and jumped in. I was wet all the way up to my little knees, that may be why I have sort of a stuffy nose this week.

When the sun is shinning, I put on my hat and play on my slide and swing. I am big enough now that I get to go down the slide on my own. The swing is still a little hard for me to get into. It keeps sliding back when I go to sit down, so Mommy or Daddy helps me get into it.

Here are a couple of new things that I have learned how to do. I can count to 10 all by myself. I can sing the ABC song, although I miss a few letter in the middle, and I can say my name, my full name. MAYA KATHERINE GABLE.
I am so excited about being a big sister. It is not far off now. Mommy said that we are in the window, and it could happen at any time. I like to give her tummy hugs and kisses and feel the baby move inside.