Thursday, April 26, 2007

9 Months Old

On April 17th, I became 9 months old. To this point in time, I can safely say that I have mastered crawling on my hands and knees. I can stand up by myself, if I have something to hold onto. I can also walk if I am holding onto a solid object that doesn't move. I am also starting to test my balance. I will hold on to an object, stand up, and then take my hands off the object for only a few seconds. Then I get scared and grab on again. I am not sure if you can count it as my first words, but I say Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma and Da-Da-Da-Da-Da all the time, maybe this last one is more of my first syllables.

This past Wednesday, I had another doctors appointment. This time I only had to get one shot. I weight 20 lbs and 6 oz and I am 29 1/2 inches tall. The doctor said that I am very healthy.

The food at this stage of life is definitely changing. Not only am I drinking formula and eating the normal baby fruits and vegetables, but Mommy and Daddy also lets me try some of thier food. I have been known to eat a dinner roll at one sitting. I am also eating Cheerios, applesauce, some sort of meat and vegetables that come in a baby jar, real bananas, mandarin oranges and once in a while Mommy will grind up whatever they had for supper and feed me it the next day.

This is my stuffed dog Rooffuss. I like to play with him. He is so soft. Grandma (Gena's Mom) got if for me when I was first born. At first, I didn't like him very much, but as I got older I have started to really enjoy him. As you can see I like to jump on him and bury my face into his soft fur.

I also like to wrestle with him. He is becoming less and less competition all the time. I guess that I am just getting stronger. TAKE THAT!!!!!!!! In the end, he sees things my way and I win.

Monday, April 16, 2007

My Special Visitors

Last week we had a special visitor stay at our house. It was Aunt Monika and Olivia. This was the first time that I met either one of them, but I hear Mommy and Daddy talk about them all the time. Uncle Dave and Aunt Monika (Mommy and Daddy's friends) are missionaries to Costa Rica. As luck would have it, they left the same day that I was born. This was Aunt Monika's first trip back. Uncle Dave, Aidan and Abby, their two other children, stayed behind. Hopefully they will be able to visit soon. I am very excited to meet them. I log onto their family blog to see everything that is happening down there.

This is Olivia, she is my Costa Rican buddy. She will be 1 year old this month. We had a lot of fun together while they were here. We played with my toys and crawled around on the floor. My favorite thing was when Mommy got done feeding me and Olivia pushed me around the kitchen in my high chair. It was good team work.

Even though I am younger, I was still able to show Olivia how I play at our front window. It is a really big window and it is close to the floor, so I can look out it. I like to pull myself up on it and bang on it. It is especially fun when walkers go by on the sidewalk.