Happy Valentine's Day everyone. Mommy took this picture of me the other day. I was dressed up in an outfit that Mommy's friend Bree got me. It was my first Valentine's day outfit.
Sorry it has been a while since I have updated my blog. Not much has really happened. I had a visit from my Aunt Mindy and Grandma Lisa over the weekend. This was the first time that Grandma Lisa has been to our house. They came early in the morning and stayed until late at night on Saturday. It was very nice to have visitors. Grandma Lisa fed me and played with me while I was awake.
Lets see what has happened in the last month. Well, first of all Mommy had a conference to go to in Grand Rapids. We all went over the night before and stayed with Uncle Will and Aunt Heather. Then the next morning after Mommy was dropped off at her conference, Daddy and I went to see Aunt Wellie. We met her at her work. She works with inner city kids in Grand Rapids. She helps them realize that there is more to life then what they normally see. I got to meet some of her co-workers. Then we got a tour of their new office building. It was really nice. I also got to see Miss Kali while I was there. She knows my Mommy and Daddy from when they lived by my Grandpa and Grandma in Middleton.
After the tour we went out to eat lunch and then back to Aunt Wellie's house to see her animals. She has a rabbit, hermit crabs, a bird, and she just got two turtles the night before I was there.
We then traveled to Great Grandpa and Great Grandma's house in the afternoon. We couldn't go there in the morning because Great Grandma was at her Jolly Sixty's Group although she is in her Eighties. I am just too young to figure that one out. We stayed there until after Mommy was done with her conference and had supper with them, then on our way home, we stopped in Lansing to Aunt Mindy's soccer game and Grandma (Gena's mom) was there. So I got to see 80% of my family in one day.
I am almost at the point of crawling. This is about as far as I can get. I just can't seem to get that darn leg under my butt. It always seems to stay under my tummy. Once I leaned a little too far forward and landed on my nose. That wasn't fun. I don't know how all you big people walk on those things. I prefer to stay like this, that way Mommy and Daddy have to carry me everyplace that I go.
I have been able to perfect the backwards push and multiple rollover to get to where I want to go.
Other than that everything else have been about the same. I still don't like Peas. Green beans has become a staple in my diet along with rice and oatmeal cereal. I did get to try some squash last night. That was good. Bananas and carrots have also been added along with this thing called dessert. Wow is that good, although it comes at the end of the meal when I am almost full. Mommy and Daddy have been feeding me a banana apple desert.
Aunt Sheri (family friend) did take my six month pictures. Mommy and Daddy are picking some out to send to family and friends. I will post of few on my blog just like I did the pictures after I was born that she took. You may have noticed that my profile picture had changed. This was one of the pictures from Aunt Sheri. I figured that since I am almost seven months old that I should change my picture. I am a BIG girl now!