I can't wait until I am old enough to stay with them. Then I can go to the bakery with Papa and eat donuts and bake cookies with Grandma in her kitchen.
And wouldn't you know it. In a few more days, it is going to be there 40th wedding anniversary. That is why I waited until now to let you all know what was happening. My little fingers get tired doing all this typing so it would have been nearly impossible for me to split it up into that many entries.
I am the master at Hide and Go Seek. I fit into the best hiding places. It doesn't matter if it is dark, with the lights off, or the lights are on. I stay really still and I don't say a word to give my position out. Mommy and Daddy look all over the house for me. Daddy says that they are going to be in trouble when they really need to find me.
I do have a couple more teeth. I think my total is up to 9 now.
I help around the house. I like to help load the cloths dryer, Mommy and Daddy put the wet cloths on the door and then I push them into the dryer. I help unload the clean dishes out of the dish washer. I only sample a few of the utensils to make sure that they are clean. I also help with picking up my toys and putting laundry away. This is all with help from Mommy and Daddy.
I have added a few more words to my vocabulary and a few more animal noises and gestures from "My Big Animals Book", and also a few more signs. I regularly sign "please" now, and I mess with Daddy all the time by calling him Mom.
Here is a date to keep in the back of your minds May 29, 2008.