I also got to meet my great grandparents in Grand Rapids. This was the first time I have seen them since I was born. They live 2 1/2 hours away, so it is a long trip. My great grandpa was having a 90th birthday party. Boy what he has seen in his life time. I am only 2 months old, so I haven't seen very much. I can't believe what will change in this world by the time that I am that age. Those of you who visit my Aunt O'welly's blog probably read the post on him. Here is her blog if you would like to read more, www.hoodmama.blogspot.com.

Last week was a tough week. I had to go to the doctor and get my first shots. Notice that there is an "S" on the end of shot. There wasn't one shot, or two shots. I had to get four shots, two shots in each leg. I didn't like that very much, and I let everyone know about it. While I was there they took all my measurements. Here they are: I weight 12 lbs 15 oz (8lb 10 oz at birth). I was 23 1/2 inches long,the doctors office measured me at 21 1/2 inches four days after I was born, so I have grown a couple of inches. They also said that I am healthy and am in the 90th percentile on weight and length.