A lot of things have happened since the last entry. After the cottage trip, My Aunt Heather had a wedding shower the very next weekend. Of course, I was invited and my Moms side of the family was there. In this picture is me in the middle. My mom is holding me, my grandma is on my left ( I think that is my left), and my great grandma is on my other side. My mom called this a 4 generation picture. I don't understand what any of that means yet, but I like getting my picture taken anyway.
Here is my Aunt Mindy, Aunt Heather, and Mom at the shower. They always take pictures of the three of them when every they get together. During the day when I am at home, my mom tells me stories about growing up and how much fun it was.

The weekend after the wedding shower, what Uncle Will and Aunt Heathers wedding. Mom was standing up in the wedding and Dad was an usher, so sorry, but neither one of them was able to get any pictures. But let me tell you, it was a nice wedding and a very nice reception. At least that is what I have heard. I slept thru most of it.
Things are starting to make connections. A couple of days before the wedding, I was in my swing and I looked up and what did I see. This cute little face looking back a me. I would move my head and the little face would move. It was staring right at me. It didn't matter what I did, I could not get away from it. I looked at it for minutes, and then finally I heard mom and dad say to each other, "look, I think that she sees herself in the mirror on the swing". Then I realized who that cute little face with the chubby cheeks belongs to. IT WAS ME!!!!

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