When Mom and Dad are busy doing other things, I spend time on my activity mat. It is really fun. There are animals all over the mat, with lights and music. Then I get to grab onto the stuffed animals that are hanging over me. Sometimes I can even pull them off and stick them in my mouth.

I also spend time on my tummy. This builds up my neck muscles so I can hold my head up. When I first started doing tummy time 3 months ago, I could only smash my little face into the blanket. Now 3 months later, I can hold my head up on my own and I don't have to smash my puffy cheeks into the blanket anymore.

Unfortunately, when you are as little as I am, you taken advantage of by people who are bigger. Namely my Dad. He was changing my diaper one day and thought that it would be funny to put my pants on my head as a hat. Mom really liked it and couldn't stop laughing. As you can see, I wasn't very amused. But since I am so small, I wasn't able to do anything about it. A note to all you parents out there. Us little babies remember this stuff, and when we are giving you "gray hairs" in the future. Just remember the things you did to us, to get a laugh, when we were helpless little ones!
I just know this picture is going to show up at my high school graduation some day.

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