We went camping at Straits State Park in St. Ignace Michigan. All you Michigan folk probably know where St. Ignace is. If you don't, it is located on the north side of the Mackinac or Mackinaw Bridge. The spelling depends on if you are from the Upper Peninsula (ac) or the Lower Peninsula (aw).
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Pure Michigan
I was riding in the van one day with Mommy and Daddy and heard a commercial on the radio. It was a guy that was talking about all the wonderful things that a person can do and see in our great state of Michigan. At the end of the commercial, he concluded with the words "Pure Michigan". I was fortunate enough to experience "Pure Michigan" for a whole week recently.
We went camping at Straits State Park in St. Ignace Michigan. All you Michigan folk probably know where St. Ignace is. If you don't, it is located on the north side of the Mackinac or Mackinaw Bridge. The spelling depends on if you are from the Upper Peninsula (ac) or the Lower Peninsula (aw).
This is where I took up residence from Monday July 9 to Sunday July 15. This is our tent. It is quite a large tent. It is big enough for Mommy, Daddy, and me to sleep in and still have enough room for our clothes, food and toys.
Our campsite at the campground was as close the water as you could get. This was the view from outside our tent. Ok, we had to go on the other side of a small line of trees in order to see this majestic view. It was perfect. Uncle Tracey called it "breathtaking" when they arrived. This is the Mackinaw Bridge. It is 5 miles long and will be 50 years old this year.
After we set up our tent and got everything organized. Mommy and Daddy took me swimming. The water was COLD. Uncle Tracey said the average temperature of Lake Huron was in the 60's. Mommy defied the cold water and took me in anyway. I LOVED IT!!! At first I wasn't too sure about it. I hadn't had much experience with water, except for taking baths. I loved splashing around in it. When Mommy and Daddy noticed that my lips and cheeks were a slight shade of blue, they decided that it was time to get warmed up, so they dried me off and wrapped me in a warm towel.
We went camping at Straits State Park in St. Ignace Michigan. All you Michigan folk probably know where St. Ignace is. If you don't, it is located on the north side of the Mackinac or Mackinaw Bridge. The spelling depends on if you are from the Upper Peninsula (ac) or the Lower Peninsula (aw).