Everyone will be happy to know that I am 15lbs 4 oz, and I am 25 inches from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. This is a big change from when I was born. I have grown 4 inches, and almost doubled my weight. The doctor said that I was healthy on right on target. I am still hovering around the 90th percentile as far as body weight and height. What ever that means. I just know that mom has a plastic bin that she is putting all the cloths in that I outgrow.

Here I am in my high chair. Dad put it together the other night. I know, I look really small in this big chair, but believe me. I am getting big. I can almost sit up all by myself. My parents will sit my on my bottom on the floor. I will sit there for a second, but then slowly start leaning to one side. I would try to lean the other way, but my little body hasn't figured out how to do that yet.

Since my high chair was together, Mom thought it would be a good idea to see if I liked "real food". I have been imitating my parents eating a little so they thought they would give it a try. Mom bought something called rice cereal. I don't know why thy call it rice cereal, because it wasn't rice and it definitely wasn't cereal. I was thinking that it was "Frosted Flakes" or "Lucky Charms", but no, it was this stuff that looked like soupy mashed potatoes.
It took me a little while to get the hang of eating off of a spoon. The cereal would go in my mouth, but then it would come right back out again. I finally got the hang of it. You are suppose to keep your mouth closed while you eat. That is why big people say to eat with your mouth closed

I finally figured out how to roll over. My first roll over was a few weeks ago. I was laying on my stomach and rolled over to my back. Then a few days later, mom seen me roll over from my back to my stomach, but I couldn't get my little arm out from under me. Now I am a pro at it. All I have to do is swing myleg over to the side and get my momentum started and just at the right moment, lift my head up over my shoulder and I will roll right onto my stomach and my little are will pop out from under me. I have a video of it, but I am not sure how to post it on the blog. My Aunt Wellie is looking into for me, so check by in a couple of weeks and you my just get to see it. For now, the picture above is the start of it. Just image that within a couple of seconds I am on my stomach and smiling like the picture below in the post "How I Spend My Time".

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