Thursday, April 26, 2007

9 Months Old

On April 17th, I became 9 months old. To this point in time, I can safely say that I have mastered crawling on my hands and knees. I can stand up by myself, if I have something to hold onto. I can also walk if I am holding onto a solid object that doesn't move. I am also starting to test my balance. I will hold on to an object, stand up, and then take my hands off the object for only a few seconds. Then I get scared and grab on again. I am not sure if you can count it as my first words, but I say Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma and Da-Da-Da-Da-Da all the time, maybe this last one is more of my first syllables.

This past Wednesday, I had another doctors appointment. This time I only had to get one shot. I weight 20 lbs and 6 oz and I am 29 1/2 inches tall. The doctor said that I am very healthy.

The food at this stage of life is definitely changing. Not only am I drinking formula and eating the normal baby fruits and vegetables, but Mommy and Daddy also lets me try some of thier food. I have been known to eat a dinner roll at one sitting. I am also eating Cheerios, applesauce, some sort of meat and vegetables that come in a baby jar, real bananas, mandarin oranges and once in a while Mommy will grind up whatever they had for supper and feed me it the next day.

This is my stuffed dog Rooffuss. I like to play with him. He is so soft. Grandma (Gena's Mom) got if for me when I was first born. At first, I didn't like him very much, but as I got older I have started to really enjoy him. As you can see I like to jump on him and bury my face into his soft fur.

I also like to wrestle with him. He is becoming less and less competition all the time. I guess that I am just getting stronger. TAKE THAT!!!!!!!! In the end, he sees things my way and I win.

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