Now, I have to be honest with everyone. Technically this was not my first steps, but it was my first steps without being coaxed. Uncle Jerry and Aunt Sheri were over for supper one night (Tuesday May 1 2007), and Uncle Jerry was dangling his bracelet in front of me. And everyone knows that you can't dangle anything shiny in front of a little kid without them going for it. So I went for it. I took one step, but that was all that I could do.
But last night was the first time that I did it on my own. I had in my mind a place to go and I went for it. Sorry, I don't have any pictures of it. I caught Mommy and Daddy by surprise.
Lets see, what else has been going on. It has been warm enough lately that I have only been sleeping in my diaper. Mommy and Daddy got new windows in the house, these even have screens, so they can open the windows without having bugs come in. Daddy says that I am eating like a horse. Rooffuss (see post below) is doing very well, although he has to go in for surgery. His seam is coming apart. I think that is about it. I will try to get some pictures of me standing up all by myself to post next time.
My buddy Olivia turned 1 year old recently so I would like to wish her a happy birthday.

1 comment:
Dear Maya,
Congrats on those first steps - nobody can stop us now!
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