Hi, this is Evan. I thought that I would give you a quick update on what has been happening around here. My big sister has been teaching me to read. Just kidding. She was spending tummy time with me in our bedroom. We were playing with toys on the floor.

Mommy and Daddy are starting to use this new toy, now that my legs are getting stronger. I still can't spend a long time in it, but it occupies me for a while. There a lot of cool things to play with on it. I spend a few minutes a day in it. Usually when Mommy or Daddy is making supper and can't play with me.

I was at the doctor's the other day for my 4 month checkup.
Luckily there were no
pokies this day. I have dropped off on my weight a little bit. I am only in the 50
th percentile now. Last time I was around the 75
th percentile. The doctor said that there was no need to worry. I am 26 1/4 inches long and I weigh 15 lbs. I can roll over to my side, although I haven't figured out how to roll over on my tummy yet. I also found something else new. I stick my tongue out a little past my lips and blow air out of my mouth and guess what, all this liquid stuff comes out. It is so much fun, I tend to end up with a very wet chin.
Evan!!! You have changed so much in the last 6 weeks!!!! MY gosh. Those eyes are so blue and that hair is really light!!! Still a cutie though!!! Keep practicing that rolling over - you'll get it soon.
Wow-- they are both getting so big! Miss you!
Hey Big Guy! You look like a nice mix between Mommy and Daddy! Hope you hada nice Halloween! Check out my Dance pictures on Facebook!
Maya baziah,
Looks like your being a good big sister..I'm sure Evan loves you playing with him. I think you should have got mommy wet that would have been even funnier..Ian misses you guys and so do we.
Aunt Heather and Uncle Will
Evan your hair got really light, just like your cousin Ian's did. Can't wait to see you and Maya on thanksgiving... Ian is waiting for you guys to play with him and his toys.
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