A couple of week ago, we went to an apple orchard. It was really busy that day. Probably because the sun was shining and it was warm out. When we were there, we went
thru a barn that had pigs, chickens, lamas, and an ostrich. We also got to see them make donutes and apple spider (cider). Of course we had to sample it. We bought three donuts and 1/2 gallon of spider and sat down on a picnic table and ate our donut and drank a few cup's of apple spider. It was a great day to spend with my Mommy, Daddy, and Evan. We also when for a hay ride around the apple orchard. That is were the apples are grown.... On trees... When we got done with the hay ride a nice lady offered to take our picture so we could all be in it.

We also washed the van that weekend. I got to help. I was the rinse girl. Daddy would wash the van and get it all soapy and then I would come along and rinse all the
suds off. Now you can just image the kind of fun that we had that afternoon. I am only two years old and my Dad let me have the hose all by myself. The hose with water running
thru it...........and sometimes, he would kneel down to wash the bottom of the van.........in a position that he could not get away very fast.....and I was standing behind him.....with the hose....that has water running
thru it.......are you getting my drift here. Needless to say, we were both wet by the end.

But, I am not tall enough to rinse the top of the van so he did help me out with that part of it. We made a good team that day. Mommy enjoyed watching us so much that she snapped a few shots of us. I even tried to get her wet, but she could move a little faster than I could drag the big hose....with water running
thru it.
Oh how very fun Maya!!!!! Ii bet you were giggling the whole time!!! Way to go getting your daddy wet - and at least trying to get mommy wet. Daddy's getting to old to move fast. Wait until you get big enough to haul that hose around better.... with water running through it... and your brother running around!!! :)
Looks like fun!!
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