Saturday, June 06, 2009

Another Birthday Party

A few days later, on the weekend. Mommy and Daddy had another party for me. Not all of our family and friends were able to make it, but there was still alot of people there. The weather was great, it was sunny, but with a nice breeze so it wasn't to hot. Daddy put up the canopy that we use when we are camping and put the food under that.

We had all kinds of food. There was vegetable's, fruit, carmel corn and crackers and cheese. Then we had ice cream and cake also. The cake had a picture of me on it. By the time the part was over, most of the food was gone. It was a wonderful day.
The best part, was that I got to smash another cake in my face and make everyone laugh. Mommy and Daddy made my own cake with blue frosting this time. It didn't take me long, and I had it all over my hands and arms and face. Birthdays are GREAT!!!!
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