Saturday, October 31, 2009

Back to Michigan for Halloween

So the first couple months in Indiana was a little strange. We were back and forth from Indiana to Michigan in order to tie up some loose ends with the house and other things that were going on. The best part was that we were back in Michigan for Halloween. We could carry on our tradition with my buddy Collin. So far, since we were both born, we have gotten together at some point on Halloween to get pictures. But, because Evan wasn't feeling good that weekend, we had to cancel our date with Collin. We didn't want to pass any germs. Maybe next year.

This year, I was an angel. I had these cool wings and a halo and Mommy used the dress that I wore for Aunt Mindy's wedding and sewed on some fuzzy things on the bottom. It worked perfect.

Evan was tiger. He didn't do much walking while we were trick-or-treating. He stayed in the stroller most of the time. He was to little to eat candy anyway.
AAAHHHH, Miss Hannah. I miss her.

Before the night was over, we had to stop and see my friend Anthony. He was a pirate this year. We made a perfect 3. A pirate, a tiger and me, an angel.
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