Saturday, October 10, 2009

Our First Visitors

So we packed up and headed for Terre Haute. Daddy's company that he is working for provided us a very nice apartment. It was a great surprise see it. It is an upstairs apartment with 3 bedrooms. It wasn't long and we had our first visitors. Uncle Mike and Aunt Mindy came for a visit. They were married back in August, so now I can officially call him Uncle Mike. It was a great weekend.

We tried to find a Cider Mill to go to. But cider mills in Indiana are not like cider mills in Michigan. This one was the closest to Terre Haute. It was very small and they weren't making cider, but they did have a great little pumpkin patch. I got to crawl around in all the pumpkins. These pumpkins were just about as big as I was.

Maya liked the little pumpkins. They weren't big enough to carve, but they fit in her hands really well. We decided to buy a couple larger pumpkins and take them home to carve. All in all, there are a lot of things that we need to learn about Indiana. First is that their cider mills aren't what we are used to.
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