Thursday, January 18, 2007

Six Months

Yesterday was my six month birthday. And yes, I had to go to the doctor, and yes, I had to get 4 shots, and yes Mom almost cried again. My weight is 17 lbs and I am 26 in long. I have dropped from the 90th percentile to the 70th percentile in both weight and length. The doctor was not concerned even though they would like to see me stay at the 90th percentile range since that is where I started. I have another appointment in 4 weeks to get weighed again. Can't be to careful, the doctor just wants to make sure that my weight is not dropping more.
Why are all the grown ups trying to loose weight, but when I do it, it is this major thing and I have to go back to the doctor just to make sure.
Here is what has been happening since Christmas. I can sit on the floor all by myself. I still can not go from a laying down position to a sitting position, but if Mommy or Daddy sit me on my butt, I can sit there without falling over. Although in the last couple of weeks I have been getting a little braver and reaching for toys out past my feet, then I get a little out of balance and fall over, I guess I am still a little top heavy. One good thing from falling over, is that I have found some new ways to move around. If I am on my stomach, I can push backwards with my arms and move backwards. Although this usaually takes me away from the toy sthat I am trying to get. I haven't been able to master the ability to crawl yet. I can get my upper body in the air by pushing with my arms and hands, and I can also get my butt up in the air with my legs and knees, but I haven't been able to get both halfs of my body in the air together.
I have also learned how to spin around on my belly button. One day Mommy with talking with Aunt Mindy on the phone I spun around 2 & 1/2 times all by my self. This doesn't get me very far. Seems like I just go around in circles, but it is alot better than laying on my back staring at the ceiling.
I am just starting to learn that if I roll over more than once, then I can move a long distance really fast. Well, really fast compared to my standards.
By the way, Rice Cereal, Oat meal Cereal, and carrots are good. Peas and Peaches, YUK!!!!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Starting off the New Year

For New Years, Mommy and Daddy invited some of our extended family over to help celebrate, along with my Grandma (Gena's Mom) and Great Grandma (Gena's Grandma). We had lots of fun. We ate and talked and even sang Karaoke. Yes, my Dad sang also, although it was not taped and he probably would never admit it. It took a little bit to get him to do it, but he wasn't going to get off that easy since Uncle Jerry and Aunt Sheri sang a song by themselves. In the picture above is Jordan. He is the eldest son of Uncle Jerry and Aunt Sheri.

This is Josh, Jordan's brother and Uncle Jerry and Aunt Sheri's youngest. Jordan and Josh were the ones who got the Karaoke machine and thought it would be fun to bring it to the New Years party.

Here is Aunt Sheri. She is a photographer and took the family pictures in the post from the beginning of the blog. She also came to the hospital when I was born. Aunt Sheri even sang Karaoke. The song was something about "Blue Suede Shoes". She said that she likes the oldies.

Unfortunately Uncle Jerry and I just couldn't make it to midnight. After a long evening of playing cards, talking, singing and eating, we were both just to tired to stay awake....... Just kidding, Uncle Jerry woke back up. I didn't make it, I stayed sleeping.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning started out at our house before we headed to Middleton. Don't pay any attention to the day stamp on the picture, Daddy didn't have it set right. Boy parents and technology just don't mix. I guess I will have to show him how to work the camera.

This came in my stocking. I had to try it to see if it was eatable. This one was a little dry, not much flavor, tasted a little like cardboard.

Hey Great Grandpa! Look what I got! It is a toy in the shape of a light house. The top spins around and each different colored section comes off.

Christmas with Grandpa

A few days after Christmas, my Grandpa (Gena's dad) and Linda came down to my house for supper, and guess what, they got me loungy cloths. Mom and Dad spend most of their weekend in what they call loungy cloths. They are just really comfortable cloths that you don't mind wearing all day long. Now I have some.

Sorry, Grandpa. When the pictures were downloaded to the computer, I noticed that I didn't have a good shot of Linda, you, and me. So I thought that I would throw this picture of us up. It is from when I was only a month old.

Here I was sitting on Linda's lap, I was vibrating my lips making this cool sound. Although I do get a little spit all over the place to.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Christmas at Uncle Chris and Aunt Sarah's

For Daddy's side of the family, we went to my Uncle Chris and Aunt Sarah's house. They just moved the week after I was born. It is a really big house, out in the country. This time all my cousins were there. Taylor, who is in the silly hat, is holding me. Makenna is next to me in the red shirt. Elizabeth is in front of her in the pink sweater. And the goof ball dressed up like the reindeer is Jessica. They are always doing something silly. I can't wait until I get older so I can join them in the fun.

I got to see my Great Grandpa and Great Grandma there. My Aunt Wellie brings them to Middleton for family Holidays, which is nice because we can't always get to Grand Rapids to see them. But whenever I am over in that direction, we make it a point to stop by.

OK, Christmas is very exhausting when you are only 5 months old. And when my Uncle Chris got a hold of me, I just fell asleep in his arms. There were so many presents to open and playing with my cousins makes me tired. They just keep going and going and going. For some reason, they never seem to get tired.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Christmas at Grandma's

Christmas at my Grandma's (Gena's Mom) was lots of fun. Our hole family was there inlcuding my Grandma Lisa. She grew up next to my Grandma in Middleton and often comes to the family holidays because she is what you would call extended family. I finally got to where my Christmas Dress that my Grandma (Gena's Mom) made for me. I would overhear my Mommy and Grandma talk about it on the phone, and could only imagine what it looked like. Boy was I surprised when I seen it. The dress came with a shawl, which also had a hat. She must have worked really hard on it. I lOVE IT. I only wish that I would not grow so fast so I could where it again next year.

This is my Grandma Lisa. I don't get to see her very often because she lives so far away. She was like a second Mom to my Mommy, so that makes her a second Grandma to me.

Hey, stop tickling me

Wow, I got lots of presents. I am so excited. I got teething rings, cloths, and lots of toys. I wish it could be Christmas all the time. Although I don't think that my bedroom would be big enough for everything. Mommy and Daddy would just have to build on.