Saturday, December 27, 2008

Decorating the Tree

It was late when we finally got back home and set the tree up in the living room. This year, we put it in the corner of the room where Evan's swing use to sit. He wasn't using it much now that he can sit up so Mommy and Daddy put it away. We did however, get to snap a few pictures of me and my brother, before we had to go to bed.

A couple days later, we got all the Christmas ornaments and lights out and started decorating the tree. We had a great system this year. Daddy was taking the ornaments out and putting hooks on them. He would hand them to Mommy and me to put on the tree. I got to decorate the bottom half and Mommy got to decorate the top half. We put lights, and ornaments on it and then finished it off with fruit flavor candy canes. I got to eat one after it was all done.


Anonymous said...

This is an AWESOME picture!!!! Send it to me through email if you would please.. I have a few ideas...

The Graef Family said...

Love the night shot!