Thursday, December 27, 2007
IT'S A ...................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Our Christmas Tree
Catching up on Fall
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Papa and Grandma
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Halloween Fun
This handsome fella is my buddy Collin. He is about 9 months younger than I am. Uncle Ryan and Aunt Megan dressed him up as a pumpkin for Halloween. We went to visit him and ate supper there. We took lots of pictures and played with his toys while people came to their house for candy.
This is the "My Big Animal Book" that I was telling you about. It is my favorite book. It is full of animals. We have to look at it at least once a day. It is very educational. I have learned what a Macaw sounds like. It says "Caw, Caw." Whenever Mommy asks me what the Macaw says, I answer her with "Caw, Caw."
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Uncle Chris
They live in a big house in the country with a huge yard. They have rabbits, that weigh as much as I do! They have chickens, and I even got to see a baby turkey the last time I was up there. They even have deer that come into their yard, but you have to get up early in the morning to see them. I usually miss them because I am sleeping.
Someday, when I am older, I will get to stay with them all by myself. I am really looking forward to that. We will get to do all the fun things that you can't do living in the city.
Uncle Chris also has three cats. I like to chase them around their house. That is the only time that I have seen a cat. Now whenever I look at "My big animal book" and see the picture of the cat, or even the kittens, I give them a big kiss.
So HAPPY BIRTHDAY Uncle Chris, see you soon.
Friday, October 26, 2007
They also had these big cutout of different things that you could stick your head in. Kassie and I decided to put our heads in the flower and bee cut out. That is me in the bee cutout. Before we left, we went into the building and Mommy bought some apples and donuts, and Daddy got some caramel corn. They also bought a gallon of apple cider. Now I have had apple sauce before and I have had apple juice before, but this apple cider stuff is the best. I drank alot of it over the next couple of days. Not only is it a delicious beverage, but it also keeps me regular, which I sort of have a problem with when I eat a lot of cheese.
I was also at the doctor's recently. I weigh 24 lbs and I am about 30 something inches long. The doctor had a hard time measuring me because that crinkly paper they put on the bed kept scaring me. I am also starting to get more teeth. My molars are coming in. Those really hurt. Other than that, I am as healthy as a horse.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Back to School
Sunday, August 12, 2007
My First Birthday Party

I got some very nice gifts for my birthday. I got clothes, beach balls, and a new pair of tennis shoes. I also got a slide and swing, and a lot of cool new toys. Here is one my new toys. It is a Jeep Hurricane powerwheels. It is fun to ride around in. My legs aren't quite long enough to reach the pedals so my buddy Jordan would push on the gas for me. Later on in the day, I was sitting in the passenger seat and I let someone else drive.
This was my first birthday cake. It was all my favorite colors. We got it from a store around the corner from our house. I guess that it was good, I didn't get any of this one.

Mommy made me my very own special cake. It was a cake that nobody else could have, only me. It was white with pink cherry frosting. At first I wasn't sure what to do with it. When ever I start smashing my food between my fingers or throwing it on the floor, I always get told "NO!!!" Now they want me to do this. Being a child is very confusing.
Fortunately my Aunt Wellie showed me what to do. She took some of the frosting and wiped it on my face. After that, I would grab hand fulls of the cake and squish it between my fingers. There was nothing left of the cake when I got done with it.

Grandma Lisa has a pool and since I love going in the water, I had to go swimming. Here Aunt Heather and I are squirting each other with water. Uncle Will and Aunt Heather weren't able to make it down for my birthday party either. They were either out of the state, or out of the country on prior engagements. It was nice to see them at the BBQ. Aunt Heather is also expecting. She is due in late January or early February. I can never keep it straight. This will be my first cousin that is younger than me.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Pure Michigan
We went camping at Straits State Park in St. Ignace Michigan. All you Michigan folk probably know where St. Ignace is. If you don't, it is located on the north side of the Mackinac or Mackinaw Bridge. The spelling depends on if you are from the Upper Peninsula (ac) or the Lower Peninsula (aw).
After we ate lunch, we hiked to the Upper Falls. It was quite a long distance to get back to the falls, so Mommy and Daddy front packed me for a while.

Friday was our trip into Mackinac City. We spent most of the day wandering around the shops and eating Ice Cream. I had a raspberry sorbet. It was yummy. We darted in and out of the fudge shops, popcorn shops, and of course the had to hit the kite store. It was Mommy's favorite store. For lunch we went to the park to eat. It was right on the water and we had a wonderful view of the bridge and the water.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
One Year Old
Right around six months old, I was able to sit up on my own. It wasn't hard at all when I finally figured out how to do it. Next came crawling. Now this one took a little bit of work. I would get my self up on my hands and knees and sort of rock back and forth for a while. It was hard to get all my muscles working in the proper order to actually crawl. Then one day, I took off across the living room floor. Finally some independence. I was able to crawl to where I wanted to go and the toys that I wanted to play with.
My next big challenge was walking, but first I had to be able to stand up on my own. I sort of surprised Mommy and Daddy with this one. They weren't paying attention one day and I was standing in the middle of the living room. It was soon after that, that I took my first step. It was in the bedroom as you recall. I took about three steps and landed in Mommy's arm. What a safe place to be. Since then, I haven't stopped. I have logged many miles walking thru the house.
All this has taken me to today. July 17, 2007, and my first birthday. The day started out like all the other days. First it was getting up and eating some breakfast. Then Mommy took me shopping. We had to buy me a new pair of shoes, because we can't find my other shoes since the camping trip, which I will post about later this week. So we called Daddy to have lunch with him. Luckily he wasn't busy. After lunch. I entertained Daddy's co-workers for a while, and then it was off to another store. Once we got home I took a nap. Before long Daddy was home from work and it was off to Mr. Steve and Mrs. Cindy's house for Gideon's eighth grade graduation party. Mrs. Cindy babysits me while Mommy is working two days a week. It is my home away from home. Once we got back to the house, it was time to open presents. I got lots of toys. Mommy, Daddy, and I played with the toys the rest of the night, until I had to go to bed. But stay tuned because Saturday is the big party. My first birthday party. I will have lots of pictures. Mommy even said that I get my own cake to tear into at the party.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Father's Day!
Hey Daddy! Happy Father's Day! Boy, I thought Mommy and I were never going to be able to do this without you knowing! We've got to hurry, though, 'cuz I want you to see this when we get home from church tonight!
Mommy isn't quite as good at this blogging this as you are, Dad, so bear with me. I just thought you might like it if I put a few new pics up for you to enjoy. When we told another daddy about our blog surprise for you, he said that I should let mommy be in some pictures with me. I guess I'll share my space, 'cuz I know that mommy loves you very much too.
Me and My Daddy
Boy, those glasses sure helped. And I think I look kind of like that funny movie guy you like to watch...
Here we are, enjoying our carrots together. Now that I've got 6--count 'em, 6!!!! teeth, I can actually eat these things instead of just gumming on them! No wonder you like them so much! I like the fat carrots, just like you Daddy.
I sure do like it when you give me a bath, Dad! Mom does it the same way all the time, and she doesn't let me stand up in the tub like you do! I have such a fun daddy.