Sunday, June 17, 2007

Me and My Daddy

Well, like I said, Dad--Mom isn't the greatest blogger. But, we did manage to get a few of our special moments on here. Remember that day that we were by the sliding glass window and the sun was so bright? You saved the day with those new sunglasses!
Boy, those glasses sure helped. And I think I look kind of like that funny movie guy you like to watch...
Here we are, enjoying our carrots together. Now that I've got 6--count 'em, 6!!!! teeth, I can actually eat these things instead of just gumming on them! No wonder you like them so much! I like the fat carrots, just like you Daddy.

I sure do like it when you give me a bath, Dad! Mom does it the same way all the time, and she doesn't let me stand up in the tub like you do! I have such a fun daddy.
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