On July 17
th, I turned 2 years old. It was a Thursday this year. It was pretty low key since Mommy and Daddy were both in school. On Thursday morning, Mommy and I went to my buddy Collin's house where him and Aunt Megan had balloons for me.

Then we met Daddy for lunch. We went to the park and I got to go down the slide and swing. Swinging is my favorite thing to do. I can spend hours swinging. After lunch, Mommy and I went to see Grandma (Gena's Mom). We spent the rest of the afternoon there. That night, when Daddy got home from school Grandpa (Gena's Dad) was at our house.

He helped Daddy put up this swing in our back yard so I can swing any time that I want. I can go really high. It is a comfortable seat also. I think that Mommy and Daddy will wear themselves out pushing me before I get tired.
Then on Friday night, Mommy, Daddy, Evan celebrated my birthday with the cake in the first picture. It was a white cake with pink frosting.

On Saturday night. Aunt Megan and Collin, Uncle Jerry, Aunt Sheri, Jordan, Josh, and Uncle Tracey, Aunt Michelle, Christian, and Anthony came over for cake and ice cream. After I blew out my candles, Uncle Jerry got me to bite the edge of my cake. I think that he wanted me to smash my face in the cake, but I wouldn't do that.