It has been a very busy month. Mommy and Daddy are finally done with their summer classes and now we have a jam packed August ahead of us. First of all. I turned two months old on August 2. I weight around 13 lbs. I will get my official measurements at my check up which will be Friday.
One tragic thing that happened was that my hair fell out. Just around the sides where it rubbs when I am moving my head. Daddy said not to get all upset about it because it will most likely happen when I get older anyway.

When Mommy or Daddy are not holding me, I like to lay on the floor and look out the window. Or swing in my swing at look at that handsome dude looking back at me in mirror. I also sit my bouncy seat, or lay on my lounge pillow.
Yeah, I pretty much just lay around.

I am almost sleeping
thru the night. Mommy feeds me around 12:00am and then just lets me sleep. Sometimes I will wake up at 4:30am because my little belly is empty and I need something to eat. Lately she has been waking me up at 6:00am to eat. So I am almost making it
thru the night. It won't be long and Mommy will finally be getting a full nights rest. Which I am sure that she will enjoy.

I smile
alot. Daddy can always get me to smile. Once in a while he will make funny noises or just tickle my belly a little and I get this big grin on my face. I am also starting to talk, or
at least make some sort of sound. Daddy and Mommy call it "
Cooing". I don't know what "
Cooing" is, but Mommy and Daddy get a kick out of it.
Stay tuned. There will be
alot of updates this month. My sister Maya turned 2 in July. We are going camping next week and we also went to a petting farm. There will be blogs on all of these. I just don't know for sure when it will happen.
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