On July 17
th, I turned 3 years old. Mommy made a cake for me and put 3 candles on it that I had to blow out. We had a fun little party with our friends and some family over. It was really cool. It was also another milestone for me because......it is the last time that I get a
paci. Mommy and Daddy tried to take it away when I was 2 years old, but I just wasn't ready. Now that I turned 3 and I am a big girl I don't need it anymore.

For my birthday, I got my friend Anthony and my buddy Christian and we went to the Candy Store in
Wyandotte. It is a store that has nothing but candy in it. We all got 5 dollars to spend, which bought us a bunch of candy at the Candy Store. Most of the candy was wrapped individually so they only cost a few cents a piece.

After we bought our candy, we went to the park along the river. I like this park, they have a lot of fun things to play on. Anthony and I like to peek
thru these windows. There are several slides and different ladders and tunnels to climb on and
thru. The best part is that I was with my friends.

My birthday was great! We ate cake and ice cream, went to the Candy Store and then went to the park to play. It was such a special day.
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